Business Innovators

Maritza Acosta, Diana Aponte, Andres Celis.

Monday, June 4, 2012



When we think of supply chain we might just think on the steps taken to produce a product until it arrives into the customers hands. However is so much more than that and that is the reason why when we analyze all the different types of methods we can use to have a supply chain for a specific product we can also see the relation with the costs of NTMs and trade facilitation.

Different countries throughout the world have seen both the positives and negatives results when applying different supplying methods. For example some have seen that when they manufacture their products involving different countries then they have seen their costs increase; while others see the great results of trading their goods to countries within their region to lower their trade costs. 

The supply chain model use when manufacturing, transporting and trading the company’s goods will have a significant impact on the costs and the trades between countries. By optimizing the supply chain models not only time, money and resources will be reduce but also the economies of different countries around the world will increase. 


As globalization continues to expand throughout the world we see more and more countries coming together to establish trade agreements in order to have mutual benefits and therefore improve their economies. But more than ever the developing countries are seeing the benefits to make trade agreements with developed countries; (our local example of the FTA between USA/Colombia). 

These agreements benefit both countries because the developing country will have a much bigger market to sell, must improve their policies, create more jobs, and make their products and services competitive to international standards. Also promote a trading mindset in their local companies and entrepreneurs. However we must highlight that the majority of these developing countries aren’t ready for these RTA, PTA or FTA with developed countries. Thus the importance of UNCTAD, WTO and other organizations to make sure that these agreements become beneficial not only for the developed countries but also for the developing countries. 

Therefore the importance for developing countries to increase their staff  in the trade ministry, professionals that are ready to negotiate trade agreements, policies that are up to date with international regulations and most important that the citizens are ready for these changes.  



In order to optimize the use of the containers in which we are sending our products we must do research and take the proper steps to not only maximize the load but also save money, time and headaches that we may get for not knowing the best way to ship our products; throughout this process we will simulate the shipping of airplane seats and we will learn how to maximize the use of the container as well as seen the importance on knowing how to do all this. We will use the program Load!
We must know the container we want to use, product dimensions, quantity that we want to send and how we want the product to be shipped.

After we do these steps we can see how much of space is being used and the efficiency of it. 

We can see the container from different angles; this will help us to have an exact idea on how will our product would look in the container.

We will save money and time when we optimize the use of the container we will use to import or export our products. By knowing exactly how much space we will use in the container we will be able to adjust many things in advance and not when we have already paid for the shipment. We will be one step ahead of our competitors and also the transporting companies. 

To have a better understanding on this think of when you are going to travel in your car, everyone in the family packs their clothes and other objects they want to take to the trip, but when the day of the trip arrives and your family of 4 members take all their bags to the car and you start to scratching your head because you open the trunk of your car and you see that with all those bags the trunk is too small! Now you have to start telling your family to reduce their amount of bags, not only are you wasting time but also money and sometimes other problems may arise that you might have to postpone or cancel your trip. Well, is the same way when we think of exporting or importing a product; is much better to know how much product we can send according to our budget, container, product, method of transport and so on.

By using simulators such as the one we have used we can optimize our loads, save money, time, headaches and we will be able to increase our productivity, reduce empty containers or the delay of our products to arrive to their destinations or even worse to have our loads cancel thus making lose our capital and even our business.